Password requirements

Written by Anton Resko
Updated 3 years ago

You can make access to your account more secure by using the following password requirements: 

  • Password length (recommendations: 8 or more characters)

  • At least one uppercase letter

  • At least one lowercase letter

  • At least one number

  • At least one symbol

  • Doesn't match the email

You can use one or several options from the list of password requirements with the possibility to add or remove active options.

Symbols: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~.
After setting up new requirements all users in your account will be logged out and will have to set a new password at the next login. 

To set new password requirements please leave a request with the list of required options in the support chat. 

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